Friday 14 February 2014

So Long since last post, not yet an automatic thought........

This post i want to look at why it is not an automatic thought, because if it was, that means i have set it as a priority and as a priority my brain would be reminding me, as well as searching for more complimentary information.
I want to introduce a radar system for the brain, a biological wonder!
The Reticular Activating System (R.A.S.)

The reticular activating system is a group of brain cells which monitors sensory messages to the brain. Like a switchboard operator, this device screens all our sensory messages and allows only the information / data that we perceive is a value or a threat to get through to us.
We are constantly being bombarded by thousands of sensory messages but our conscious system cannot handle this flood of information. So we need to be able to filter this information efficiently, this is the job of the RAS.

For example, a parent can sleep through all kinds of noise outside or inside, (radio and traffic), but wakes immediately when they hear even a slight whimper from the sick child in the next room.

It is not the level of our consciousness which is important but the level of significance we attach to things.

The RAS is a powerful tool for opening our awareness of ourselves and the world around us. Understanding this concept is essential for achieving our goals because each of us must know “what we want” before we can become aware of “how to get it”.

By determining what has pay value first, we automatically open our RAS to information that is relevant and important for achieving our goals.

Getting a clear picture of exactly what we want is the key to opening our filter system to valuable information.
Try setting a small goal, make it important to see your initials on a car number plate and out of the corner of your eye, whilst a passenger or a driver, the letters will come flooding into consciousness. this can be used to help focus and gain clarity when setting more important goals and targets.

  • So, what do you want?
  • What are you focusing on?
  • Is it what you want or what you don't want???
Knowing about the RAS, you should now realise you will get what you focus on, whether you want it or whether you do not, you are going to bring it in to your consciousness!!!


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