Thursday 29 August 2013

What is a Comfort Zone?

Oliver Wendell Holmes said, “Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions”

Just like a comfort zone, your comfort zone is where you have no feeling of risk or anxiety concerning decisions, in other words where you are comfortable. Your comfort zone is where you know what is happening. Where you know how things work and what is required to get the job done. Where you are certain!?

Some might call it comfort while others would call it being in a RUT, in business you can call it complacency.

We all have different zones. Some people appear to have no comfort zone whatsoever. They are willing to try and do anything at least once. While other are more cautious. One thing for sure it is a LIMITING place.

Our self-image defines our zones of where we feel comfortable, and acts as an internal regulator. You can tell when you have a comfort zone; it is when you move out of it, when we experience physical and psychological feedback. We are unable to think and act as we normally do. Feeling out of place causes us to go back to where we feel more comfortable. Our self-image is a regulator that allows us to take risks and go comfortably into new and different situations and it also stops us from taking even 1% forward because we do not feel or believe we can!

Another quote, only this time from Darwin, “it is not the strongest species that survives it is the most adaptable to change".

So how do you change your comfort zone?

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