Friday 23 August 2013

Who's Blueprint?

When we are thrust into this world we are given a blueprint, a design of what we are to be some elements are:
  • Genetic: a conditioned way of replicating internal and external attributes of our heredity variations.
  • Our thoughts and actions, (albeit somewhat ad-hoc): which build our beliefs and expectations of who we are and who we are not.
And some
  • The thoughts and actions of things external to us: our environment, our family, friends, bosses, work colleagues, the media, the government, the general public and many more.
Due to the shear amount of them! They have had, have they not, the greatest effect on your design, with your permission, whether conscious or unconscious, and have through time attributed to the design of who you are.

One of the BIGGEST factors that contribute to who you are is the way you talk to yourself, your SELF-TALK

You carry on a silent conversation during much of the day.  The internal dialogue actually directs your thoughts and behaviours.  Understanding what self-talk is and how it affects you is the first step in learning how to rewrite your own self-talk, 'the script of life' and talk your way to a less stressful way of life.

Researchers have discovered that the average person thinks anywhere between 50,000 to 70,000 thoughts per day.

What you say when you talk to yourself is almost always a message you received from others, and according to behavioural psychologists as much as 77% of self-talk is negative, or works against you.

Negative self-talk, such as "I'm too shy" or "it’s alright for others they have…..”, the [money] or the [education] or [anything else], which is perceived you cannot have. This causes you to doubt, be unsure, worry, and lack confidence.

Positive self-talk gives you strong new messages to help you overcome long-time fears and obstacles - speak more comfortably in front of groups, become more confident around others, and look, act, and feel more in control.

YOU CAN replace your negative self-talk with positive self-talk to make dramatic, permanent changes in your life. YOU CAN make your own self-talk win for you. All you have to do is learn how to talk to yourself in an uplifting, positively, realistic manner.

Aldous Huxley stated: "There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self."

So why not start? Listen to your internal thoughts, and record what percentage put you up and what percentage put you down?

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent” - Eleanor Roosevelt


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